“Law and business” – new series of meetings with in-house lawyers in Cracow

Author: Dr. Krzysztof Nowak, LL.M. On 22 November, a first of a series of events for in-house counsels co-organized by the Polish Association of Corporate Lawyers (PSPP) in cooperation with its strategic partner PwC Legal Poland took place in the beautiful city of Cracow. The idea is to bring together general counsels and other in-house […]

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Planned amendment to the Austrian Student Residence Act to be reviewed today

Co-author: Mag. Elias Pressler A planned amendment to the Austrian Student Residence Act was presented this week by the Ministry of Science. According to the ministry, it will be published today. Background The current Austrian Student Residence Act (StudHG) dates from 1986 and was last amended in 1999. Since in 1986 almost exclusively non-profit dormitories […]

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Revised proposal for an EU crowdfunding passport provides for EU-wide ICOs

Autor: Stefan Paulmayer We had informed you in July about the proposal for an EU crowdfunding framework. Pursuant to this proposal, crowdfunding service providers would be entitled to the cross-border offering of crowdfunding-projects to investors throughout the European Union. As alternative to existing national and usually not harmonised crowdfunding rules, this new regime would serve […]

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Welcome to the Team – our New Joiners

Our Team of PwC Legal Austria has grown and has some new members. Welcome to all of you, we are glad you are here. We would like to introduce you to three of our New Joiners: Karl Koller, new Partner and leader of the practice group Real Estate, Stefan Paulmayer and Evgeny Rodionov, both Senior […]

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The proposed EU Crowdfunding Passport explained

Autor: Stefan Paulmayer While fundraising on the capital market will be simplified for issuers under Austrian law, the European Commission has in spring 2018 introduced its own plans for a crowdfunding framework. The cornerstone of the new framework is the proposal for a Regulation on European Crowdfunding Service Providers (ECSP) for Business (the “Crowdfunding Regulation”). […]

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Crowdfunding rules to be simplified

Autor: Stefan Paulmayer Fundraising on the capital market will be simplified for issuers. On 4 July 2018 the Austrian national chamber of the parliament has voted to approve a federal law that will significantly amend the Austrian Capital Markets (CMA) and the Austrian Alternative Financing Act (AFA). The law has been confirmed by the federal […]

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The Changing Role of General Counsel and Legal Service Providers

Today, I had the privilege to talk on an amazing panel at ESADE university in beautiful Barcelona on the topic „The Changing Role of General Counsel and Legal Service Providers“. http://www.esadealumni.net/ea/alumni_today/description_past_events?id_evento=344282. First, professor Mari Sako of Said Business School at the University of Oxford gave a fascinating keynote on the topic, including a social sciences‘ […]

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PwC Legal advises Smyths Toys on the acquisition of Toys “R” Us Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Autorinnen: Mag. Daniela Steiner, Mag. Sofya Usmanova A multidisciplinary and international team assembled from the PwC/PwC Legal network provided Smyths Toys Superstores (“Smyths Toys”) based in Galway (Ireland) with comprehensive advice on the acquisition of Toys “R” Us operations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (“Target Companies”). PwC Legal (with teams from Germany, Austria & Switzerland) […]

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Securitisation reloaded – Simple, Transparent, Standardised – (STS) – The new regulatory framework for securitisations: Regulation (EU) 2017/2402

Co-authors: Dr. Lukas Röper; Mag. Philipp Tagwerker, M.A.; Mag. Michael Fischer At a glance: A new designation of securitisations as simple, transparent, standardised (“STS”) shall give assurance to investors that sufficient information on the underlying exposures is provided. A register with the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) will be set up, in which securitisations […]

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New Register for Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO Register)

The UBO Register Act (WiEReG), announced on 15 September 2017, imposes a registration obligation on Austrian corporate entities and other legal entities regarding their ultimate beneficial owners. As of 15 January 2018, all direct or indirect owners holding more than 25 % of the share capital have to be disclosed in the new register maintained […]

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