Legal500 Ranking 2024: We’re celebrating!
Mehr als nur ein Nachschlagewerk – The Legal 500 bietet eine detaillierte qualitative Recherche und Analyse von Kanzleien und Anwält:innen in ganz Europa. Wir behalten den Erfolgskurs bei und freuen uns, in der neuesten Ausgabe in insgesamt vier Kategorien unter den führenden Kanzleien genannt zu sein. Gratulation an Partner und Head of Real Estate Karl Koller zur persönlichen „Next Generation Partner“ Auszeichnung sowie zum TIER-Upgrade!
1. Employment
PwC Legal Austria-oehner & partner‘s employment law team cooperates with other departments to offer a multidisciplinary approach, which includes advice on tax and M&A topics. Ursula Roberts’ recent activities include advice on the implementation of the EU whistleblower directive, flextime agreements, and compliance audits. She leads the group.
“The law firm had an excellent team available at short notice. During the collaboration, in addition to labour law issues, tax law issues also emerged. We are very grateful that this law firm has access to its own tax experts, who are also always available promptly and easily. This broad range of experts gives us the feeling that we are in good hands.”
“Ursula Roberts’ clarity and knowledge gave us the feeling that she could and would solve our problems.”
“PwC Legal Austria provided an excellent service.”
“Ursula Roberts has strong and recognized experience in providing services in the full range of labour law matters related to individual and collective employment relationships. She has proximity and a good relationship with the client, as well as focus on the legal problem raised and concern to provide direct and concrete answers.”
“The team is very responsive and reliable. They have a great number of specialists who support clients very well in their distinct areas.”
“Very responsive – both in time and content with a hands-on approach. It’s a pleasure to work with them.”
2. Real Estate
PwC Legal Austria-oehner & partner handles a wide range of real estate matters, including transactions, financing and disputes, and has placed additional focus on sustainability aspects of real estate law over the past year, notably in the area of green leases. Practice head Karl Koller handles both real estate transactions, including forward funding and sales, and construction issues, with a strong presence in the hotel and leisure sector.
Karl Koller, head of the practice group, receives the Next Generation Partner award for the third time in a row.
“Karl Koller is great, a proactive advisor.”
3. Commercial, Corporate and M&A
PwC Legal Austria-oehner & partner offers a multidisciplinary approach that encompasses commercial and tax advice in addition to corporate matters, and the team has recently been involved in matters related to market entries, exit deals and various acquisitions. Lead Christian Öhner is recommended for advising on M&A, joint ventures, corporate law and restructurings, while Michael Lind‘s specialisms include distressed M&A.
4. Private Client
Interdisciplinary advice on corporate, foundation, succession and private law frames PwC Legal Austria-oehner & partner‘s practice which acts for UHNWI, private foundations and family businesses in their transitions to next generations, M&A transactions, and restructuring processes. Christian Öhner heads the team, harnessing extensive corporate experience in advising on restructurings, and financial and strategic investments. Michael Lind is retained by private foundations, trusts, and HNI in corporate transactions and joint ventures.
Der Text weiter oben stellt einen Auszug aus dem Legal500 Ranking dar, die vollständige Version befindet sich hier.
An dieser Stelle möchten wir uns herzlich bei allen Partner:innen, Mandant:innen und Kolleg:innen für die großartige Unterstützung und den motivierten Einsatz bedanken!